Curriculum Vitae

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Academic Appointments

2023 – present
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Grinnell College

2018 – 2023
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Grinnell College

2016 – 2017
Instructor, Social Sciences Department, Chadron State College

2009 – 2010
Instructor, English Department, Oregon State University


Ph.D. Environmental Sciences, Studies, and Policy / Sociology, University of Oregon
Producing, Maintaining and Resisting Colonial Ecological Violence: Three Considerations of Settler Colonialism as Eco-Social Structure

M.S. Sociology, University of Oregon

M.A. English, Oregon State University

Areas of Research and Teaching Interest

Environmental sociology, environmental justice, Indigenous studies, sociology of emotions, social movements, qualitative methods

Peer-Reviewed Articles

“‘Who Had to Die so I Could Go Camping?’: Shifting non-Native Conceptions of Land and Environment through Engagement with Indigenous Thought and Action.” Ethics, Policy & Environment 24(3): 250-265.

“Dangerous Pipelines, Dangerous People: Colonial Ecological Violence and Media Framing of Threat in the Dakota Access Pipeline Conflict.” Environmental Sociology 6(2): 142-153.

“Colonial America Today: US Empire and the Political Status of Native American Nations.” Comparative Studies in Society and History 61(2):301-331. (with M. Norton)

“Settler colonialism as eco-social structure and the production of colonial ecological violence.” Environmental Sociology 5(1):59-69.

“Recovery Related Group Homes and Disproportionate Environmental Hazard Impacts.” Environmental Justice 11(3):109-113. (with S. M. Cumming)

“‘A lot of catching up’, knowledge gaps and emotions in the development of a tactical collective identity among students participating in solidarity with the Winnemem Wintu.” Settler Colonial Studies 7(4):441-455

“Environmental Decline and Changing Gender Roles: What Happens to Karuk Masculinity When There Are No Fish?” Sociology of Race and Ethnicity. 4(1):98-113. (with Kari M. Norgaard and Ron Reed)

Book Chapters

“Environmental Sociology and Settler Colonialism” in Environmental Sociology Now. University of California Press.

“Rush Limbaugh and the Expanding Culture War: Whiteness, Masculinity and Conservative Media Denials of Climate Change and Sexism.” Pp. 36-47 in Systemic Crises of Global Climate Change: Intersections of race, class and gender. Godfrey and Torres eds. New York: Routledge.

Textbook Chapters

“Environmental Problems” Investigating Social Problems 4th edition. Sage Publications. ed. A. J. Trevino

“Chapter 3 Environmental Problems” Investigating Social Problems 3rd edition. Sage Publications. ed. A. J. Trevino

“Chapter 7 Emotions of Environmental Justice” (with Kari M. Norgaard) Lessons in Environmental Justice: From Civil Rights to Black Lives Matter and Idle No More. Sage Publications. ed. Michael Mascarenhas

“Chapter 52 Environmental Decline and Changing Gender Roles: What Happens to Karuk Masculinity When There Are No Fish?” (with Kari M. Norgaard and Ron Reed) Race, Gender, Sexuality, and Social Class: Dimensions of Inequality and Identity 3rd edition. Sage Publications. ed. Susan J Ferguson

Book Reviews

“Book Review: The Rise of the American Conservation Movement: Power, Privilege, and Environmental Protection by Dorceta E. Taylor.” Critical Sociology 44(4–5):827–829.

Works in Progress

“Backfire: The Settler-Colonial Logic and Legacy of Smokey Bear”

“Decolonization in the Big Ten Environmental Movement Organizations”

“Place Attachment and Emotion Among Irish Language and Culture Practitioners”

Grants and Awards

Environmental Sociology Early Career Prize

Summer Gaeltacht Award Ireland-United States Commission for Educational Exchange

National Science Foundation Workshop Grant: “Bridging the Gap: A Mini-Conference on Race and the Environment” ($19,227). Team members: Michael Mascarenhas, Jennifer Carrera, Raoul S. Liévanos, Lauren Richter, Elisabeth Wilder, and J.M. Bacon.

Marquina Faculty-Graduate Student Collaboration Award (Matt Norton)

University of Oregon Environmental Studies Outstanding Teaching Award

Marquina Faculty-Graduate Student Collaboration Award (Kari Norgaard)

Selected Talks and Presentations

American Sociological Association, Philadelphia
Backfire: The Settler-Colonial Logic and Legacy of Smokey Bear with Kirsten Vinyeta

Midwest Sociological Society Annual Meeting
Decolonizing Environmental Organizations: Sierra Club Engagement with Indigenous Issues with Noah Guyton, Kate Guiney, and Sydney Cohen

American Sociological Association, Online
W(h)ither “Environmentalists”: Disidentification with Environmentalism across the Mainstream/Radical Divide with Elizabeth Cherry

American Sociological Association, Online
Resilience, Resistance, and the Framing of Threat in the Coverage of DAPL with Kirsten Vinyeta

American Sociological Association, New York
“Who had to die so I could go camping?”: Settler Reflections on Indigenous-Settler Solidarity and Environmentalism.

Canadian Sociological Association, Vancouver
“The environmental movement is kind of like a joke to me” : Changing perceptions of the environmental movement after Indigenous-Settler Solidarity.

American Sociological Association, Philadelphia
“Feeling CO2LONIALISM” with Carla May Dhillon

American Sociological Association, Philadelphia
“Dangerous Pipelines, Dangerous People: Colonial Ecological Violence and Media Framing of Threat in DAPL Coverage”

American Sociological Association, Seattle
“Environmental Decline and Changing Gender Roles: What Happens to Karuk Masculinity When There Are No Fish” (with Kari Norgaard)

American Sociological Association, Seattle
“Is the United States an Empire?: Evidence from the Political Status of Native American Nations” (with Matthew Norton)

Teaching Effectiveness Program, Eugene, Oregon
Teaching Public Crisis and Controversy: A Panel and Discussion

Canadian Sociological Association, Ottawa
“A lot of us had a lot of catching up to do”: Knowledge Gaps and Emotions in Settler Solidarity”

American Sociological Association, Chicago
Teaching Race, Gender and Colonialism within Environmental Sociology (with Kari Norgaard and Emily Huddart Kennedy)

Rethinking Race in the Anthropocene, Eugene, Oregon
“Decolonization as Response & Genocide as Golden Spike: Indigenous-Settler Solidarity and the Rhetoric of Universal Risk and Responsibility”

American Sociological Association, San Francisco
“Blame, Shame, and the Complexity of Collective Identity in Settler-Solidarity for Environmental Justice: A Case Study “

Whitman College’s Sixth Annual Gender Studies Roundtable, Walla Walla
“Race, Gender, and Activism”

Powershift West, Eugene, Oregon
“The Right to Relate: Sacred Sites and Environmental Justice”


2014 - Present
American Sociological Association
Sections: Environment and Technology, Sociology of Emotions, Animals and Society, Collective Behavior and Social Movements, Indigenous Peoples and Native Nations

2015 - Present
Canadian Sociological Association


Grinnell College

2018 - Present
SOC 111: Introduction to Sociology
SOC/ANT 291: Methods of Empirical Investigation
SOC 240: Social Movements
SOC 295: Sociology of Climate Change (special topics)
SOC 295: Environmental Health (special topics)
SOC 295: Environmental Sociology (special topics)
SOC 295: Sexuality, Gender, Race and Environment (special topics)
SOC 295: Sociology of Emotions (special topics)
SOC 295: Sociology of Food & Agriculture (special topics)
SOC 395: Armed Conflict and the Environment (special topics seminar)
SOC 395: Environmental Justice (special topics seminar)
SOC 395: Decolonizing Sociology (special topics seminar)
SOC 395: Indigenous Environmental Movements (special topics)
SOC 499: Mentored Advanced Projects - Decolonizing Environmental Movements 1
SOC 499: Mentored Advanced Projects - Decolonizing Environmental Movements 2

Chadron State College

2016 - 2017
SOC 230: Global Society (online)

University of Oregon

2011 – 2018
ENVS 201: Intro to Environmental Studies: Social Sciences
ENVS 203: Intro to Environmental Studies: Humanities
ENVS 411: Armed Conflict and the Environment
ENVS 411: Oil and Culture
ENVS 435: Environmental Justice
SOC 410: Salmon and Society
WGS 101: Women, Difference, & Power

Undergraduate Honors Thesis Advising

Hannah Malicky, “Green Isolation: Exploring the impact of green spaces during the COVID-19 pandemic on overall wellbeing.”

2017 – 2018
Dylan Plummer, “Indigenous Erasure in Coverage of Jordan Cove LNG Terminal Debate”

2016 – 2017
Scott Cummings, “Disproportionate Environmental Impacts and Recovery Related Group Homes: Environmental Impacts on Sober Living”